I will mention that you want to make sure that the site you choose meet the basic criteria from the last post on "linking strategy". You also want sites that are highly trafficked by the search engines and that have high Page Rank. Blogger.com and Wordpress.com are always good choices for blogging. I prefer sites like Live Journal and Myspace for social media type sites.
We really are only concerned with the quality of links, and won't be using using these sites to socialize or add friends. Completing the profiles on each site is important. Below is a list of some of the sites that are popular and easy to set up and use.
- Blogger.com / http://www.blogger.com
- Beep.com / http://www.beep.com
- Blogsome.com / http://blogsome.com
- Devhub.com / http://www.devhub.com
- HubPages.com / http://hubpages.com
- LiveJournal.com / http://www.livejournal.com
- Myspace.com / http://www.myspace.com
- Squidoo.com / http://www.squidoo.com
- Terapad.com / http://www.terapad.com
- Viviti.com / http://viviti.com
- Webnode.com / http://www.webnode.com
- Wordpress.com / http://wordpress.com
- Yolasite.com / http://www.yola.com