In this post we are going to point out some of the elements I think are necessary for a simple RSS Link Wheel Site. Most of the micro-blogging platforms will accommodate all these elements, and the same is true for most of the social media sites you can use.
Basically, you want to to have a home page (front page) that you will write a few hundred words of unique content. I don't like content spinners, and honestly believe that if you know your subject matter that it's easier to write a few hundred words that will be unique copy in as little as 5-10 minutes.
We can use this Blogger blog here at How To Build RSS Link Wheels as an example. This is the second leg of a link wheel I have built to demo this project. If you follow the top navigation bar you can see that I have created 3-4 additional pages. These can be pages that link to the previous leg in this link wheel (in this case my EzineArticles profile is the first leg in this link wheel), a page that links to the RSS Mage target website, and then you can have a link to a video page (LinkWheel Sage Youtube Video), and then maybe a page for an RSS News Feed.
You can create posts using RSS news feeds, or a free service like Unique Article Wizard. You do not have to do this with each link wheel property, but the more content you have updating your site, the better the link wheel will work at creating back links. You can also add RSS feeds as widgets on most of these sites by embedding these feeds in the page layout or the side bars. That is pretty much it...and you really only have to do it once fro each site.
Note: Be sure to keep your links going in one direction, and also create internal links from page-to-page within a given link wheel property. Just be sure not to have any reciprocal links between two sites within the link wheel. You also want to use different keyword phrases for anchor text links, and you do not want all of your links to the target website going to the main domain url. Point some links to internal pages on the target website, and occasionally you can sprinkle your posts with a few outbound links to related websites. Mix things up and make it look natural. Look around this site and you should get some good ideas.