Why You Need Premium Back Links

How To Build RSS Link Wheels: Premium Back Links: One of the core elements to better SEO is building back links. In fact, I think the only 3 things you really need to do is have the best key...

This is a re-post of an old post that I think is so important that I wanted to get it back to the top of my blog:

One of the core elements to better SEO is building back links. In fact, I think the only 3 things you really need to do is have the "Best Keywords", the "Best Content" and the "Best Back Links".

Notice that I did not say the most keywords, the most content, and the most back links. Although, this is debatable, quality should most always win out over quantity.

That's why I want to remind you about building the best performing link wheels using RSS feeds. RSS feeds can be targeted just like keywords and content. This will result in better back links and targeted traffic.

If that makes some sense to you, then be sure to visit RSS Mage and LinkWheel Sage for the low down at www.rssmage.net,

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