Introduction to RSS Link Wheels

I decided it would be appropriate to outline the purpose of this blog, and also give some insight on how I plan to use this blog as a way to introduce Link wheels, RSS feeds, and the benefits of combining these two great tools.

The posts on this blog will be written in a step-by-step and logical order to illustrate the various aspects of how you can use RSS feeds and link wheels. So, it will be in a linear fashion, just as blogs were originally intended. My objective is to post at least once a week in 2011. I also intend this to be unique and useful information.

We first will cover some basic ideas that I have about getting positioned in the search engines, and how that translates into organic website traffic. Some of this will be basic stuff that you may already know.

Although most of the content will be centered around the use of these two tools, some of the information will be about search engine optimization in general. If you are a seasoned online marketer, think of this as a way to refresh your memory banks and a review about SEO. Maybe you will find something new and of interest along the way.

This blog is actually the second leg of an RSS Link wheel that I am building for demonstration purposes. You can have a look around at the links here and the other functions of this blog for some clues about how my link wheels work.

Also, it may be worth your while to subscribe to this blog via the RSS feed, and then you will get updates in your email, or your RSS reader. I suggest this as the very first step to learning more about LinkWheel Sage and RSS Mage.